Women’s Rehabilitation Centre

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Our Women’s Rehabilitation Centre provides services severely lacking in the Pondicherry area, in a safe and welcoming environment.

We work closely with the Local Police and Health Care Centres to provide a safe space within which Women feel empowered and comfortable

Since opening in 2016, the rehabilitation centre welcomes an average of 50 cases every 6 months.

We offer counselling as well as the opportunity for our beneficiaries to attend our Tailoring and IT courses, with the intention of empowering victims of domestic violence by building confidence.


Legal Advice

Women from oppressed communities are frequently victims of domestic and other forms of violence. Legal knowledge is critical for a survivor of violence to defend herself from further violence in the future. Access to a lawyer is crucial in seeking justice, but women are often unable to pay for one.

Our Lawyers’ Forum provides free legal advice to victims of crime and injustice. We also organise training workshops to educate women about their legal rights and how to secure crucial legal documents, such as marriage certificates.

We educate survivors on identifying kinds of violence, actions available, and the persons responsible for providing services through the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005.


Our social counsellor is the first step of the rehabilitation centre. They analyse the circumstances surrounding a case and proposes the proper path for the victim.

Our social counsellor creates a warm and inviting space in order to guide our beneficiaries to the proper counselling: legal, psychological, or medical.


Medical Consultations are given to all survivors of domestic violence through ADECOM. Medical treatment is usually provided in-house, although special treatment is provided in emergency cases.


All victims of domestic violence are affected psychologically, but we know these wounds are harder to identify. All victims are given psychological counseling at ADECOM.

We work with women on identifying psychologically violent behaviour and healing past traumas through counseling sessions.

Short Stay

ADECOM offers a dormitory within which women and children stay when necessary. These cases are determined by circumstances, but the average stay is two to five days. The beneficiary is offered all counseling services and has their basic needs provided for.